Anna Larsson Photography
Photo By Anna

This is not a highfive shot but I put here anyway. I'm not in to sports at all.
But of course I know that 'our' hockey team FBK became legends again yesterday.
I'm happy for them!
But I don't jump naked in fountains or do other stupied things and blame the hockey for it.
So when I was out on my walk earlier today I saw this...
Someone has actually put out a huge FBK flag covering their balcony..
Fanatic I would say.
Celebration other would say ;)

I'm glad you took the gold medal guys

2 kommentarer :

Anonym sa...

I think I'd enjoy seeing Swedish hockey. Not as rough as North American and with a lot more finesse, I think. Congrats on the win, even if you aren't a fan! ;-)

Ulrica sa...

Sport är verkligen inte min grej heller... Har aldrig riktigt fattat den där fanatiska grejen. Och hur man dessutom kan bli förbannad och börja slåss för att man håller på olika lag. Lite likt religösa fantatiker som också bråkar för att de håller på "olika lag" - men där dessutom många gånger med samma spelare... Ja, mycket att fundera på.